Hello, I’m an independent instructional designer specializing in e-learning and professional development. My work emphasizes real-world application and actionable steps.
Did you know?
76% of employees say they are more likely to stay with a company that offers continuous training.
35% of HR managers say the most common obstacle in L&D training is getting access to the right training content to fit their needs.
55% of employees say they need additional training to perform better in their role.
84% agree that building a learning culture can enhance organizational resilience and build a better culture for employees.
Source: Society for Human Resource Management’s “2022 Workplace Learning & Development Trends: Research Report 2022”
My Approach
I address specific company and learner needs by providing engaging content that helps the learner not only understand what they have learned but apply it in real-world scenarios as well. My methods directly stem from the latest research on L&D theory and a firm belief that all learning journeys should be positive, inclusive, and uplifting. My services include topic research, course creation, presenter scripts, and more always providing custom learning tools to fit my clients’ and learners’ unique circumstances.